About Whitelane Research

Whitelane Research is an independent organisation uniquely focused on IT sourcing across Europe.

Our core activities include:

IT Sourcing Research

Whitelane Research’s unique and extensive annual IT sourcing studies survey CIOs of the largest IT spending organisations in different European countries about their opinion on their outsourcing plans and IT sourcing/Cloud service providers.

Since 2013, we have conducted our annual IT sourcing studies in the following countries:

Executive Sourcing Events

Our events programme offers access to a senior-level network, presentations on sourcing topics and from leading CIOs on their outsourcing journey, and exclusive networking opportunities with like-minded corporate executives.

Best Practices Groups

A forum exclusively for corporate executives who use sourcing as a significant part of their business strategies, allowing them to share ideas and information about their sourcing relationships confidentially. Membership is by invitation only.

IT Outsourcing Relationship Healthcheck

A facilitated 360° assessment offering usable advice to uplift the quality of the collaboration and relationship between the internal IT department, the business and your strategic IT service providers.